Monday, April 6, 2015

I've never...had miracle berries

Miracle Berries
I realize that "miracle berry" kind of sounds like it might be similar to say a "special brownie" but I promise (mostly for my mother's sake) that it's not.  I mean, you can buy these miracle berry tablets on Amazon so it's obviously not that sketchy, right?

The tablets
It's an actual berry from West Africa (I think?) that when eaten, binds to and blocks your tongue's sour/bitter receptors so nothing tastes sour anymore.  So all you taste is the sweet factor and basically it makes everything seem way sweeter than normal.

A couple of my friends bought a bunch of these tablets and had a miracle berry party where everyone took one and then just indulged in a ton of different fruits and other random food like cheese and hamburger meat with barbecue sauce. A few people even tried balsamic vinegar. 

The lovely setup of fruits and other food
You can't just chew the tablet. You have to move it all around your tongue and let it slowly dissolve.  After it dissolves, it's effective immediately so you can just start stuffing your face for the next 20-30 minutes until it wears off. 

The beginnings of the taste testing
It was incredibly fascinating and everyone should buy some of these to try at least once.  All of the fruit tasted a million times better than it already does.  I think oranges and kiwis were my favorite with this miracle berry effect.  Soo good and soo sweet.  You can straight up bite into a slice of lemon and it just tastes like a really good batch of lemonade.  No unattractive puckering of the lips -- just pure deliciousness in your mouth!  All of the acidic fruit did still rip my tongue up a bit, so don't go too crazy with the lemons because you'll probably regret it later.

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