Friday, January 23, 2015

I've Never ... started a joint blog before

There are a lot of things that we have never done. Some we are thankful for, like getting arrested. Others we’re a little embarrassed of (who actually knows how to use jumper cables anyway?). We’re young, we have great jobs, expendable income, and we’re being told by every well-meaning adult to take advantage of our situation before some man ties us down.

Well, we’ve decided to take them up on it.

Every week we are going to try something that we’ve never done before. Maybe it’s hiking a popular trail, jumping out of an airplane, or getting extra spice on our pad Thai. It may check something off of a bucket list, or it may be a complete accident.

Doesn’t matter!

Desiree and her Sister in Hawaii for the first time
This year has been full of big, exciting firsts for both of us. Amy is in grad school and Desiree bought a friggin’ house! I mean, guys… a house! But just because we’re already doing awesome and terrifying things doesn’t mean we want to stop trying new ones.

Amy seeing a show in Vegas for the first time
We won’t pretend that these experiences will provide us with deep reflections on the inner workings of our soul, nor that what we write will enlighten any of our readers (hi moms!). We will guarantee a lot of embarrassing photos and humiliating stories, though.

We kind of can’t help it.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to make fun of you guys as a way to mask my extreme jealousy.
