Saturday, January 24, 2015

I've Never...posted on a blog before

I just want to start off with a disclaimer:  I’m not a funny person. In the words of Leslie Knope “You’re too beautiful to be funny. It’s not your fault, but you’ve never had to compensate for anything.” Haha. No, but really. Amy is the funny one in our friendship and I just kind of ride on her coattails.  Which is why I was hesitant to start this joint blog with her.  She’s funny AND she’s a great writer. I was never a writer growing up—Instead, math was where I thrived (yes, I was a total nerd).  I once had a teacher in high school ask me if I was human because I scored better than her answer key.  I’m pretty sure she was kidding…?

So then, why, you might ask, am I doing this blog with Amy?

Well, I’m a little obsessed with bucket lists.  I don’t know if that’s a normal thing to be obsessed with at 25 but I am.  A little over a year ago, I actually sat down and wrote an official 101 item bucket list and declared 2014 as my bucket list year.  I got about 20 of the items checked off, which I’m pretty proud of.  I finally shook an LDS apostle’s hand for the first time (I literally stalked Elder Oaks as he went into the bathroom and waited outside for him to come out.  Creepy?  Maybe. But worth it? Totally.) and I got to be on TV (a whole 5 seconds of fame as an extra in Studio C)!

Me and Henry, the fish

For my birthday, my dear friends Amy and Cat, knowing of my weird obsession (and being inspired by the Parks and Rec episode about Andy’s bucket list birthday), threw me a bucket list birthday.  They took me to a fortune teller (technically she was a medium and also, she was straight up crazy and all she told me was to talk to a tree if I was angry), to my first rodeo, skinny dipping (it was freezing!) and fishing (I even caught one AND held it. Fish give me the creeps, so it took a lot of convincing but go me!)! 

Anyway, I’m not going to list all of the items on the list for you because well, that would be boring but also there’s some weird things on it that you just don’t need to know are on there.

Amy and I at the rodeo
But this is why we’re doing this blog.  Because we want to try everything!  Not just bucket list items (although Amy is going to ride a dang horse this year if it’s the last thing I do) but everything.  I always have a really hard time answering people when they ask me what my passion is.  Amy might say movies or writing (am I close, Amy?) or others might say engineering or running (gross, but good for you).  But I can’t just say one thing because my passion is experiencing new things as cheesy as that sounds.  And that’s why we have this blog.  Because we want to do all of the things.

Stay tuned for our first official entry next week: We’ve Never...been to Comic Con.

Friday, January 23, 2015

I've Never ... started a joint blog before

There are a lot of things that we have never done. Some we are thankful for, like getting arrested. Others we’re a little embarrassed of (who actually knows how to use jumper cables anyway?). We’re young, we have great jobs, expendable income, and we’re being told by every well-meaning adult to take advantage of our situation before some man ties us down.

Well, we’ve decided to take them up on it.

Every week we are going to try something that we’ve never done before. Maybe it’s hiking a popular trail, jumping out of an airplane, or getting extra spice on our pad Thai. It may check something off of a bucket list, or it may be a complete accident.

Doesn’t matter!

Desiree and her Sister in Hawaii for the first time
This year has been full of big, exciting firsts for both of us. Amy is in grad school and Desiree bought a friggin’ house! I mean, guys… a house! But just because we’re already doing awesome and terrifying things doesn’t mean we want to stop trying new ones.

Amy seeing a show in Vegas for the first time
We won’t pretend that these experiences will provide us with deep reflections on the inner workings of our soul, nor that what we write will enlighten any of our readers (hi moms!). We will guarantee a lot of embarrassing photos and humiliating stories, though.

We kind of can’t help it.