Harry Potter + Doctor Who |
don't know how many people are aware of this (maybe it's super obvious?) but
I'm a huge nerd. In my defense, I didn't
really stand much of a chance of not being one.
I mean, two of my siblings are engineers, my dad is an engineer, his dad
is an engineer… And for anyone who knows
engineers (or happens to be one), you know the stereotype is there for a
reason. And so with that kind
of upbringing, I am prone to love some pretty dorky things. My main loves, or perhaps obsessions, are
Harry Potter and Doctor Who. If someone
tells me they don't love Harry Potter, my heart literally breaks a little, so
if that's the case, just keep it to yourself, please.
these 2 loves were pretty much the only reason I went to Comic Con, and despite
some people making fun of us (*cough cough* Mike), we were pretty excited. Going in, we really had no idea what to
expect. They had an app with this
schedule of panels about various shows and topics that were going on throughout
the day. And so initially, we assumed that we would just go from one panel to
the next. Turns out, we only ended up
going to 1 1/2 panels the whole time we were there.
we did wait in a LOT of lines.
didn't go up until Friday afternoon because of work stuff, but our goal was to
go to Tom Felton's panel which had originally been planned for 3:30. However,
it seems that sometime that same day, they had changed the listed time to be 3
o'clock. We unfortunately didn't get to
the convention center until just before 3 when we found a massive line of
people already lined up for Tom Felton's panel.
Turns out, it really didn't actually start until 3:30, so I'm not sure
why the time had been changed, but in any case, we waited in line for about 40
minutes, just to be told that the room was full and they weren't letting any more
people in. It was very devastating (mostly to poor Cat who didn't have Doctor Who to fall back on).
Waiting in line for the Doctor Who panel |
we had even been told we couldn't get into Tom Felton's panel, people had
already started lining up for the Doctor Who panel (featuring Matt Smith, Karen
Gillan, and Billy Piper!) which wasn't for another…2 hours! For that one, though, everyone had to buy
tickets ahead of time, so we knew we would get into that, but we ended up
hopping in line right then anyways in hopes of getting better seats. So then, we waited in line for another 2
hours. At this point, Comic Con is
looking pretty lame since literally all we've done is wait in line.
In the Tardis |
the Doctor Who panel ended up being AWESOME.
Matt Smith was exactly how I had imagined him being--just so hilarious
and sweet. And he and Karen Gillan
played off each other really well with a lot of playful bantering. Matt Smith kept making fun of her wrists
(apparently they creep him out because they are so tiny) and all of their
accents were adorable. Billy Piper was
interesting…I liked her but she was a little weirder than I expected. She seemed a little drugged up almost. And
she couldn't sit still which was kind of hilarious. She was constantly changing
positions and slouching. Matt Smith
called them "Pipes" and "Gills" which was cute.
And they were really good at handling awkward
questions. There were a couple of people who gave some big back stories about
how Doctor Who literally saved their lives because their mom had died and they
almost committed suicide or stuff like that (which, I'm not trying to sound
insensitive because it is very sad but that doesn't mean it wasn't
uncomfortable for the rest of us). They
handled it so well, though, and were so sweet. They even invited one lady, who
couldn't stop crying while trying to ask her question, to go and sit with them
on the stage for the rest of the panel, which probably just made that lady's
life complete.
that, we pretty much just walked around and took pictures. Some random group of people dressed as Harry
Potter characters pulled us into a picture with them and we got some pictures
in the Tardis and with a really creepy weeping angel (I know she was fake, but
I still couldn't stand close to her for more than a few seconds). We also ate a 7 dollar slice of pizza because
we were super hungry and that was pretty much as cheap as it got there.
Random Harry Potter group |
the next day, we had decided that since we didn't get to go to Tom Felton's
panel, we would split the cost of a single autograph so that we could at least
meet him. I'm not sure who sets the
price of autographs and photo-ops and if the celebrities have a say but every
celebrity was vastly different. I'm pretty
sure his was one of the cheaper options and it was still $45 for a single autograph. I think a couple celebrities were $100 for an
autograph, which is crazy. Can you
imagine someone paying $100 just to have you sign your name and shake your
hand?!?! And it sounds like every
celebrity had different rules. Like some offered selfies as an option and some
would let you meet them without buying something whereas others wouldn't. It just made things really confusing and
difficult to figure out what we were allowed to do and not allowed to do.
Getting attacked by the weeping angel |
when we got in line, we found out that you had to pay for a selfie when we had
thought you could ask for one at the same time as getting an autograph (wishful
thinking, I guess). However, they let us
exchange the autograph for a selfie. And
again, with the lines -- we waited in line for about an hour I think. I feel bad for the celebrities. They
literally sit there and sign autographs all day.
waiting in line, though, the line zigzagged right in front of where Tom was
sitting. And just listening to him talk
to other people was the cutest. He was
so genuine and so sweet to people, even to the girl who I'm pretty sure was
trying to convert him to Mormonism during her 2 minutes with him (I'm not even
kidding). And his accent wasn't bad
either ;). I didn't realize I had a crush
on Tom Felton until we were in line to see him.
Selfie with Tom Felton! |
friend, Cat, was seriously going to have a heart attack out of pure excitement
to meet him (She loves Harry Potter even more than I do, I think). And so she was trying to plan out her
conversation with him, which was hilarious.
She wanted to ask him about his dog because apparently he tweets about
it all the time (Good thing she didn’t because we found out later that his dog
is good and dead.) He shook all of our
hands and repeated our names as we introduced ourselves (he even threw in a
"my love" with my name -- how cute is he), talked to us for a minute,
and offered to take the selfie himself because as he said, he is a "Selfie
Master". He's definitely one of my
favorite celebrities now.
Our awesome glitter tattoos |
after that, we didn't really do much. We
ended up leaving to go get lunch since we didn't want a $7 slice of pizza
again, and when we got back, we got some awesome (and nerdy!) glitter
tattoos. We tried to go to a small panel
about the Muppets but it was so incredibly boring. We ended up leaving before
it was over and just walked around and looked at the artwork and people's
costumes before we ended up heading back to good old Provo. We also debated going to their Sci-Fi speed
dating for a while but decided against it for obvious reasons.
the end, Comic Con was not really what I had expected. It was a huge money pit and there was a lot
more waiting in lines than I had expected.
But am I glad I went? Yes. I mean, I got to see Matt Smith and meet Tom
Felton! Will I ever go again? Mmm…Probably